Elevate your Customer Journey - Join our next workshop!

Coming up on the events calendar: Elevate your Customer Journey

Circle Monday the 23rd of September on your calendars, because the MasterMinds community is bringing you "Elevate your Customer Journey". A workshop that is back by popular demand facilitated by Julie de Meyer.

What’s On? Get involved in a morning where you will be invited to reflect on the different touchpoint with your customer all along the sales funnel. When do you connect with them? What channel is used and what do you want to give them when? There’s something to take away and both reject and act upon for everyone!

Venue and Timing Location: The B-inspired Clubhouse Rue Nicole 3, 1267 Nyon. Time: 09:30 to 11:30

Book Your Tickets! You can book your place by visiting the following link. Remember to use your discount codes for MasterMinds Community members. For non community members (yet :-)), the registration fee the CHF55.- 

Network and Connect The Elevate your Customer...

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Meet our Members! Karin Casutt

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2024

Meet Karin Casutt
She is passionate about people and curious to get to know those she meets better and learn about who they are. 

She's also a great sports and music lover. Both universes being an integral part of her life. Karin has an HR background, having spent over 20 years of her career in the field.


She has been part of the MasterMinds March, and is in the Grow my Why group that meet twice a month on Mondays at 14:00 in Nyon. 

For the past six years she has accompanied individuals in career transition and business coaching. As a Leadership Coach, she helps leaders and managers to transform their leadership and mobilise their teams to achieve sustainable performance.

Thanks to a tailor-made coaching programme, she can help you strengthen your leadership skills to create committed, high-performing and fulfilled teams.

When you next met Karin at an upcoming event, be sure to ask how her unique approach, which combines the strategies of...

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Join our Vegan cooking class workshop!

Coming up on the events calendar: Vegan cooking class

Circle Monday the 28th of October between 09:00 and 13:30 in Nyon on your calendars, because the MasterMinds community is bringing you "A Vegan cooking class". This workshop is hosted by Chef Tosca, on a mission to show the world that Vegan food is delicious!

Discover the vibrant world of vegan cuisine in our upcoming workshop in Nyon! Whether you're vegan or simply curious about plant-based cooking, this workshop will open your eyes (and taste buds) to the endless possibilities of vegan food. You'll learn how to create delicious, wholesome dishes that are good for you and the planet.

Join us for a hands-on experience where you'll master techniques for making nutritious, flavourful vegan meals. And the best part? We’ll finish the workshop by enjoying a delicious lunch together, enjoying the dishes we've prepared.
Get inspired with Tosca's Instagram profile here.

Don’t miss out on...

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Come Coworking in Nyon with us!

Are you a MasterMinds member? Remember that every Tuesday is coworking day.

Coworking and the office space to rent in the center of Nyon are a great new addition to our community! 
You can rent the space as an office for the day, to host your workshops, use it as a meeting room or even a recording studio if you choose. 


It has flexible and simple to use amenities with the beamer, tables that can be moved around easily and space to host up to 20 people. Have a look here for all the rental conditions of this central Nyon location.


Eight tips for coworking efficiently

Over the past few weeks I have realised there is a way to make the most out of the coworking time. Also there are tasks I do well there, and others, I'd best do at home when I'm undisturbed. Here are my top tips so far:


1. Plan for the day.
If you know you're headed into the Clubhouse on a Tuesday coworking day, know what you want to get done while you are there. It's great to help you get off...

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What's the "Hot Seat"?

 As part of the "Light", "Classic" and "Next Level" MasterMinds memberships, you have the option to book a "Hot Seat".

But what is this hot seat exactly? 

The purpose of the hot seat session is to create a focused and supportive environment where members can tap into the collective intelligence and expertise of the group to find practical solutions.

It's a good idea to book this session when you have a specific issue or topic you are feeling stuck on. During the session you define the question you want insight on, provide any relevant information and your desired outcome.

If you're a member, you will find the link to book in your WhatsApp group description page - or ask me :-).

3-4 other community members will be asked to join your "hot seat". They will be your discussion panel.

And how does it work? 

The session will last approximately 45 minutes, it is held online and it is recorded for your future reference.

ℹ We start by asking you to recap your main...

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Review 2024 - End on a high!

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2024

Don't be caught off guard by the fact that it's "Only September".

Like every year, the end of the year will arrive at top speed. This year nevertheless, go for a strong finish, and if you attend the retreat in November, get off to a flying start to 2025!

The 2024 review workshop takes place online on the 19th of September between 12:30 - 14:00.

Stop to lift your head out of delivering for a moment and take a look at the landscape behind you:

- What happened to your goals?

- How as your business developed over the year?

- Where is your money?

- How do you want to move forward these next few months?


Before joining the workshop, download this presentation that will guide you through the information you want to have at hand. 
In order to do a good review, you need to have visibility over your key figures. 

It's not always a fun activity (it is on the good years, less so in the slower ones!), nevertheless it's essential if we want to move forward...

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Create momentum - ONE THING at a time

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2024

The best tip to create momentum? Choose 1 thing every day that will help you move in the right direction. 

Not something off your to-do list.

That 1 IMPORTANT (vs urgent) thing.
Then simply repeat the next day and watch magic happen

Just keep showing up, that looks different from day to day. However, over time you reap the seeds of the consistency you have brought into your life simply by taking one step after another.


Why not take a moment right now to look back over the past few months or years and revel at how far you have come already?

What allowed for it to happen?

What good decisions did you take?

Big things have small beginnings....!

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5 tips to snap out of the summer snooze mode

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2024

 The break is wonderful and well deserved. If you're anything like me however, it can be hard to get back into the groove.

Here are 5 actionable tips to get you up and rolling again!

1. Rise and Shine with a Morning Routine
Start your day with a bang. Try a quick workout, a dance-off with your favorite playlist, or a calm meditation session. A solid morning routine can set the tone for a productive day, it gives you a boost and help you feel ready to conquer the world!

2. Set Fun Goals
Ditch the boring to-do list. Set goals that excite you! Revamp your boring task. For example instead of "write blog article" why not say "Share the story of when I felt inspired" —finish that project, then treat yourself to something special. Make work feel a little lighter.

3. Get Outside
Nature is the ultimate refresh button. Take a hike, have a picnic, jump into the lake or simply stroll around your neighbourhood. Fresh air and sunshine boost your mood and clear your...

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Just another day at the office...

Uncategorized Jul 30, 2024

During our co-working session we had an unexpected collective brainstorming session about the do's and don't when running your own business. 

It provided a very fun and creative break that allowed us to blow off some steam before getting serious again.

The best part? They are now up on the wall as a reminder and I'm sure they will keep growing along with us! 

If you're in Nyon pass by, grab a pen and add your own!

The DO's to save time and manage overwhelm
Take the strategic approach (don't do everything - do THE thing)
Prioritise your peace of mind to be sustainably efficient
Keep things rolling in the background (make it autopilot - Thank you  Pauliina Rasi  )
Respect your time
Work from the minimum viable product upwards 

The DON'Ts
Engage with the bully client (the one that negotiates your prices down and then keeps adding on things)
"Apologetic pricing"
Negative self talk (Be honest, would you talk to others the way you talk to yourself?)

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Monthly networking events are here!

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2024

Join us every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Dive Bar in Gland.

Drop in for a drink, meet some great people and grow your network in a relaxed atmosphere. Oh! And there is a quiz for those who love a little game...

ℹ About the events
These are monthly events held to give us a chance to get to know each other better and dive into the deeper discussions. What does everyone do? How can we help each other? Refer each other? Work together? 
Mingle for a while then grab a group and have fun with the quiz. Facts on each other and on networking in general that are sure to keep you guessing :-)

Registration is free but requested for organisation purposes. The link is below.

Who is it for
Are you looking to put your career on the RIGHT rails or building your business? This is the place for you. 
This is a group of open minded, ambitious and smart people. As the saying goes, you are the average of the five people you are surrounded most by.
Surround yourself well!

What to expect
18:00 and...

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