The events calendar is up and includes an open doors event in March!

calendar events workshop Jan 25, 2024

The year ahead is looking full of inspiring things to learn and people to meet with the events.


At the end of the year I had the agenda planned until June in about 60minutes. With so many people and so many skills to share, it's a pleasure to see it come together in this way. And there more coming too!


Maybe there is something there for you?

We have a maximum of 15 participants per workshop, so we are sure to have space to handle the different topics and specific challenges people bring.


We have a selection of workshops allowing us to upskill like:

- Pauliina Rasi's "Crystal Clear Communication Strategy" in the 28th of February

- Creative Problem Solving by Adi Muslic back for a rerun in April

- The link between profit and mindset by Fran Strickland on June 24th


Open doors networking breakfast and summer parties that you can drop into for free even if you are not yet a member.

Feel the vibe and just spend some time meeting like minded people and having a...

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Meet Helen von Dadelszen: "I'm a thespian at heart and singing lights me up."

events mastermind members Jan 25, 2024

Within our Mastermind community we have so many inspiring individuals. In this presentation series you are introduced to them.

Meet Helen von Dadelszen.

She’s a public speaking and voice coach specialising in supporting researchers, healthcare professionals and humanitarian staff to explain their work to the world with confidence. Originally from New Zealand, she now calls Switzerland home. She has a background in Human Resource Management, NGO and event management and dabbled in English teaching too once upon a time.


« I'm masterminding because I believe that we are stronger together and believe in the collective power of supporting and pushing each other forward. »


One of her favourite motto’s is “work smarter not harder.” And its become contagouis. We all repeat this to each other and ourselves when we hear the instinct to over-complicate or “over-perfect”.

Helen has a superpower to unlock someone’s...

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